She's not a Dove anymore
Elizabeth "graduated" from the baby room in the church nursery to the crawling room. The nursery is called "Noah's Mates" and all of the rooms have a different animal designation. The babies are in the "Dove" room. What a perfect designation....the little babies are so sweet and innocent.

The crawling room is called the "Koala" room.

I'm a little nervous about the Koalas. Koalas are still cute and cuddly, but they have a mischievous side to them and are definitely not as innocent as the Doves. After all, they have claws, and their noses look kind of weird. I definitely would think twice before reaching in to pet one. Actually, though, in thinking about it, I'm *really* nervous about the next room...the room for the "walkers"...the MONKEYS. Aaack!
She was in the Koala room for the first time today. It was rather traumatic for me, since it meant my baby girl is growing up, however Elizabeth seemed to have a blast. We timed it so she went in right after her nap, and they said she played the entire time and did really well. They have a lot of fun toys in the Koala room, and they even get CHEERIOS. Wow! To top it off, they had her doll, LouLou, there, so she got to beat up on her and try to steal her paci, just like she does at home:

We've actually had to restrict her access to LouLou at home, since she gets somewhat violent when she can't get her paci from her - especially since we've recently weaned Elizabeth from her own paci, except at night. I'm afraid she doesn't exhibit any of the "nurturing" tendencies you expect to see when little girls play with dolls - unless bashing her skull open with a plastic block would count! Apparently, Elizabeth managed to subdue her murderous tendencies while she was playing with the LouLou at church, since they thought it was cute, not frightening. Little do they know!
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