The Energizer Bunny bug
Elizabeth has caught the Energizer Bunny stomach keeps going and going and going.... Tuesday, she obviously felt pretty bad all day. She didn't eat much, ran a temperature, and slept for most of the day. However, Wednesday and Thursday, she acted like she felt pretty normal. She ate close to normal and played, only getting grumpy in the evenings, when she started throwing up again both nights.
In fact, here are some pics of her playing in the laundry basket and with her daddy (aka "horsey") on Wednesday night:

And with her brother and more kitchen utensils on Thursday:

But, today, which started at 4:30am when she woke up vomiting, the stomach bug started back up again with a vengeance. And now, it has manifested itself in a 2nd symptom. I won't gross you out with the details, but I think one of the diapers I changed tonight would definitely have qualified as toxic waste!
We sure are hoping she feels better tomorrow!
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