Our son, the sea mammal
Elizabeth started talking very early and has always been pretty advanced verbally. However, she still struggles with enunciation and pronunciation, as 3-year-olds often do. David and I usually have no trouble understanding her, but that's because we're so used to listening to her talk. We're trying to work with her to get to say some of her consonants better, but I have to admit that some words we just haven't really wanted to correct, because the way she says them is so incredibly cute, and it would seem like she was all grown-up if she started pronouncing them correctly (for example, I got a little sad when she stopped substituting "bama" for "bottom" - it was just so darned cute!).
When Elizabeth first started referring to her brother Jonathan, it sounded like she was saying "dolphin." Jonathan took it good naturedly, as the awesome big brother he is. Since then, she's graduated to a "J" sound at the beginning of his name, but it still sounds like "Jolphin." And, his new name was sealed when she brought home her first preschool project this week. It was an "All About Me" poster, on which she drew a self portrait, which looks a lot like modern contemporary art, and answered several questions, which the teacher wrote down for her. Since this was completed on the first day of school, the teacher had no time to learn to decipher Elizabeth's specific preschool-ese language before completing this project, but I'm sure she tried her best.
On the poster, the members of Elizabeth's family are listed as : Daddy, Mommy, Josh, Jolphin, and Star. Since we don't know of a long-lost son named Josh, we assume that she stammered while trying to say "Jolphin", making the teacher think her brother's name was Josh, and maybe she had a pet named Jolphin. And, of course, the Star is actually for Scar, our cat.
She also had to list 3 "super-cool" facts about herself on the poster, which were as follows:
1) "I like to go to Wal-Mart." (We knew this, since "Wal-Mart" was one of her first words, which she started saying to us when she was about 15 months old if we told her that something was "All gone.")
2) "I can get some yummy food at the Pez Restaurant." (We were stumped on this one, until I asked her what restaurant she liked to go to, and figured out she was actually saying "PIG" restaurant - which is what she calls Corky's.)
3) "I don't have sisters, but I have one brother named Josh." (Again, this one is news to us. I'm trying to convince David to come clean and tell me about his other son, but so far, no luck...)
But, speaking of our actual son (Jolphin), check out this picture David took last Sunday before church:
Those who know Jolphin well will marvel at the fact that he is wearing anything other than his standard "uniform" - a white t-shirt and jeans, which is what he wears 7 days/week. But, what you might not be able to see is that he's actually wearing a flamboyant gold WOMEN'S sweater. This was apparently a dare from the high school girls who went with him and our church youth group on a mini-mission trip last week. Oh, what power the members of the opposite sex can have on a high school lad! But, on the other hand, as the teacher of those high school's girls' Sunday School class, I can confirm that they were truly impressed and actually SQUEALED when they saw he was wearing it. So, I think he actually won out in that situation.