Massive catch-up post
It's been a while since we posted...and I'm not going to only use my generic "Work's been busy" excuse, which is part of it. In addition, I'm going to also throw in the "We lost the camera cord and I couldn't download any pictures" excuse. Yes, lame but true. But, fortunately, David got us a replacement, so we're back in business again.
A lot has happened at our house recently. Jonathan graduated from middle school. He received academic recognition for keeping a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. He also received an award for Spanish. Here's a picture of him at the graduation program:
Jonathan left a few days after his graduation for a weeklong mission trip with some high schoolers from church. It was a small group (5 kids, 3 adults), but they had a great time and some wonderful experiences. The name of the mission trip was "Destination Unknown," and they (and the parents as well) literally had no idea where they were going. They simply prayed for God to lead them, then drew a direction and a distance out of a hat and started driving. They ended up doing a lot of yardwork and helping a few churches out, in addition to buying ice cream for firemen and a few other random gifts of kindness. Along the way, they managed to find places to stay each night and food. It was a really neat trip for all of them.
In the middle of that, our church had Vacation Bible School, which Elizabeth got to participate in for the first time since she's now 3 years old. She had a lot of fun singing, making crafts, playing games, and eating snacks. And, David and I got to go along with her, since they asked all of the parents to participate as well. She's now excited about starting her music classes next week, since the lady who did the songs at VBS is going to be teaching the class.
Elizabeth has also started an 8-week class at the YMCA called "Tots on Turf," where they run, kick, and balance, which she is really enjoying as well. We're hoping it will help her develop some of her gross motor skills and help her gain some confidence in using them. She also started a new Mother's Day Out program at the church her preschool is going to be in this Fall. In between all that, she's still spending a lot of quality time with her Daddy, who is taking a break from his classes to enjoy the summer and study for his PRAXIS exam. So, her schedule is very busy and she's loving every minute of it.
This past week, Aunt Beth and the Hobbs family came to visit. As always, the girls had a lot of fun playing together. Since it was so hot outside, they spent a lot of time playing in the sprinklers and the swimming pools:
Especially when Aunt Beth gave them some fun water instruments to play with:
Bridger even got in on some of the water fun:
The girls also had fun picking strawberries and playing at the local orchard:
Check out this comparison shot from their visit to the orchard in October 2006:

Bridger is now crawling all over the place, and he didn't seem to understand why he couldn't do everything the girls did! He's now been given the nickname "Giant Baby" and you can see why when you see this picture of him with Elizabeth:
At less than 9 months old, he is literally almost as big and heavy as she is!
The rest of the summer is going to continue at a whirlwind pace for us. Jonathan leaves on Thursday for Alabama, and David leaves for a weeklong mission trip at an Apache Indian reservation in Arizona on Saturday. We'll try to keep you posted!
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