Thursday, May 01, 2008

Give me a break....not literally

Yes, things have been quiet on my blogging front, which can mean only one thing - work is crazy busy! Especially so, thanks to an annoying little earthquake that hit too close to home. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like things will let up anytime soon...that is, until just before hurricane season, I'm sure.... On the bright side, I've been converted to a sweet new bonus program at work, so at least I'm being compensated for all my extra time and effort now.

In the midst of all of this, I developed a strange, excruciating pain in the back of my head. Think someone sticking an ice pick in right behind your ear, then repeating ad nauseum every minute or so, and you'll get a glimpse of my life for about a week's time there. After trips to the dentist, my regular doctor, the ophthamologist, the ER, and a neurologist, it suddenly and miraculously went away. They've decided it was occipital neuralgia that was brought on - of all things - by a broken tooth I had a few weeks back. Hopefully, they're right, because that means it should be gone for good. Otherwise, they tell me there's a slight chance that it might just decide to reappear on random occasions, and I'm not interested in that happening.

So, since I'd been living in pain for a few weeks and unable to exercise, and since my scale didn't seem to like that too much, I quickly jumped back into my running routine as soon as I could. I was particularly enjoying it since spring is officially here, and it's always fun to run when it's not freezing outside. That is, I was enjoying it until about halfway through my 3-mile jog yesterday. That's when my foot started hurting. Another strange, very sharp pain - this one between my toes and the ball of my foot. I didn't step on anything funny...I didn't trip...I didn't do anything out of the just started hurting. But, I finished the run, because I figured I was a mile and a half away from home, so I might as well get back quickly (plus, the more anal, obsessive reason - I was trying to get my weekly running mileage back up to decent levels). But, as I went throughout the day, I realized the pain was not only still there - it was getting worse. After a drive to Indianapolis and two roof inspections, I finally had to admit that it was almost to excruciating. Today, it's been the same thing - horrible pain when I walk (which was really fun when I had to do another 2 roof inspections before coming home). So, I'm starting to think that I might have a stress fracture. Joy, joy. I think I'm going to try the home remedy of letting it rest as much as possible to see if it will heal itself before going to the doctor, seeing as all they could do is put me in a walking cast (and those are really hard to climb roofs in). But, that means no more running for me for a while...ugh.

So, I tell you this long story to get to the point. Today, I realized that the phrase, "Give me a break," is about the stupidest phrase in the world. I mean, I would have told you I needed a "break" after my head pain....but this is definitely not the break I needed!


At 9:10 PM, May 02, 2008, Blogger robyn watson said...

welcome to my life, katie. i got a handicap parking pass for an entire semester because of my stress fracture (added to a really nice doctor who was easily convinced that it would be a really bad thing to carry my bassoon for a walk longer than from the handicap spot to the music school).


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