Missing Daddy
We were supposed to take a road trip to Mississippi this weekend to help BB move, with a slight detour in Alabama to drop Jonathan off at his mom's. However, Elizabeth came down with one of her classic colds at the end of last week, which we knew was destined to become an ear infection. Sure enough, Friday afternoon, the doctor confirmed that she did have another ear infection, so she's back on antibiotics with the resultant toxic poo (fun, fun).
So, David and Jonathan went on, while Elizabeth and I stayed at home. We figured a 9-hour drive in a car with a 15-month-old was bad enough, much less a 15-month-old with an ear infection!
This has been the longest Elizabeth has ever been away from her Daddy, and she misses him terribly. The first night he was gone, she found one of his hats and carried it to the baby gate in front of the door, then stood there yelling, "Da da! Da da!", like she was trying to tell him he forgot his hat, so he should come back to get it.

Plus, whenever she sees a picture of David, she says "Da da", then makes the sign for "where?". Like he must be lost, so we should try to find him. She is definitely a little daddy's girl!
To compensate, I gave in yesterday and let her try the lollipop the cashier at Kroger slipped to her. She forgot all about Daddy after that! :)

Of course, as you can see, I mistakenly dressed her in Robyn's "Peace, Love and Lollipops" shirt the day before this picture was taken, otherwise it would have been perfect!
We've also decided that, if a child's career is based on some of their earlier interests, Elizabeth is either going to be a truck driver or a maid. She absolutely loves big trucks. And, here she is with her new vacuum cleaner, her current favorite toy:

Now if we could only figure out how to make it really work, so she could help with the household chores!
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