Sunday, July 23, 2006

Dog days of summer

This is a post I wrote yesterday, but the power went out before I could get it on the blog!


I've been neglecting my blogging duties this month. There's still not very much to post about, but I figured I'd post something before I start getting nasty e-mails from some of you. Sorry, but we haven't taken any pictures in a while to share with you. We're neglecting our duties!

It has been really hot and humid in Kentucky this week. Reminds us why we don't want to live in Houston! Elizabeth has enjoyed a lot of time in her wading pool. After a nasty fall when she tried to climb out of the pool on the concrete (which resulted in her first bloody lip), David got smart and moved it into the grass under a tree. Now, he sits on a lawnchair in the shade while she plays in the water. Looks mighty comfortable to me! I had a major "redneck" moment one evening this week when I took Elizabeth down to look at her pool, and she wanted to get in, so I just stripped her down and put her in there butt-naked. I have to admit, she looked pretty cute! Fortunately, none of the neighbors were around!

Last night, there were nasty thunderstorms in the area, so we took Elizabeth to play at the playground in the middle of the mall. She absolutely loved it! She flirted with everyone she saw, waving and grinning. And, we even caught her trying to kiss several of the little boys on the playground. One of the older boys (~3 years old) started following her around, alternating between trying to hug her and trying to sit on her. I have a feeling we're in for some trouble in her teenage years!

Not much else going on around here. David's still painting the outside of the house and we're both playing tennis in the little spare time we have. Elizabeth's still growing like a weed. Her favorite tricks are trying to see how much food she can fit in her mouth at one time and trying to kiss the cat. The latter activity has resulted in the following conversation:

"Elizabeth, what does a cat say?" Her response: "Mow" (rhymes with "ow")

"Elizabeth, what does a *mad* cat say?" Her response: a fast, quick "Hiss" - complete with spit.

I'm afraid she still likes Scarlet a whole lot more than Scarlet likes her!

She's still not walking, but we're convinced she'll learn before she graduates from kindergarten, so we're not worried about it. She'll occasionally humor us by "walking" a few steps while holding onto her hands. She'll primarily do this to walk down the stairs, because she sees no need to turn around and back down them - after all, nobody else seems to do it that way! So, she'll probably be the only child in history to learn to walk down the stairs by herself before walking anywhere else. Figures, doesn't it? :)


At 10:08 AM, July 24, 2006, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Ummm, I caught that reference to Houston....

At 10:42 PM, August 05, 2006, Blogger Erin said...

I'm sure that had to violate some pool rules! Just be glad she didn't leave a present so that you didn't have to inform management and have the pool shut down for a day!


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