Our latest excursion
After picking Jonathan up at Camp Ridgecrest on Friday, we spent last weekend in Atlanta visiting the Hobbs family. Several other members of the family, including Gran and Robyn, came too, so the Hobbs Hotel was very full!
Jonathan had a really good time at camp. He was very tired and had a slight stomach bug, but he managed to still have fun on Saturday with David at the water park. David even managed to have fun, even after a nasty encounter with Rocky, one of Erin and Brad's cats. On Saturday morning, Rocky decided he didn't like the looks of Lyra and was going to attack him. Unfortunately, David's leg was in the way, so he suffered quite a few scratches and nasty bites and ended up in the emergency room on Saturday night for some heavy duty antibiotics trying to stave off infection.
But, other than that excitement, the weekend turned out very nicely. Elizabeth and I even got to meet up with a lady and her daughter who I met through our May Mommies board on the internet, so Elizabeth successfully had her first "internet date." The 2 girls had fun eating goldfish crackers and cheerios at the park - the universal language of toddlers (or pre-toddlers in Elizabeth's case, since she's still not walking yet).
Brad and Erin managed to get their mega-swing set up before we came, so the girls had fun swinging as often as they could con someone to take them outside. Brooke is now running around and as cute as can be. Elizabeth and Brooke got along well, for the most part, as long as they didn't both decide they wanted to play with the same toy! We tried to take them in for some professional photos, and that sure was tiring! We learned that the pros aren't really any better at getting 2 babies to sit still than we are! We'll share those with you as soon as we get them back.
Of course, we have lots of pics that we took to share with you:
Playing at Fort Hobbs:

Bubbles - The girls liked these so much, we had to hide the bottle!

Oh, and I finally found and put up all the comments our loyal readers have been leaving. And, here I thought you all just didn't love us anymore!
Well, we were having fun in D.C., but I do wish I could have been there with all of you!
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