Water baby
Ok, Amy, that title gives me a flashback to that crazy movie "Waterbabies" we used to watch as kids...you know the one where the kid stole some candlesticks, fell in the water, and it turned into a cartoon? Wow...hadn't thought about that in a while!
Elizabeth's enjoying her wading pool along with her cool pool toys from Aunt Amy.

She particularly like to play in the water coming from her hippo watering can:

She also had her first swimming lesson at the YMCA this weekend. She really liked it at first, as she loves the water and loves to splash, but she got tired at the end of it. They sang a lot of songs, which of course she liked! We think she's almost ready for Olympic Team tryouts now!

She also went to the park this weekend and learned that if you eat sand, it turns to mud. Yuck! She got to "swim" in her pool after that, just to clean herself off! She now also knows the word "Park" and keeps bringing us her shoes, then asking us to take her to the park once she gets them on, since Mommy made the mistake of telling her, "We can't go to the park until you put your shoes on." Since when was she supposed to start listening to me?
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