Going tubing
As you probably guessed based on the lack of posts, September's been a very busy month for me. I mean, I must be bad if Erin has updated her blog more recently than I have!
This month, I had to take 3 separate overnight work trips. Fortunately, they were only for 2 nights each, and David got to go with me on one night to Cincinnati - our very first night away from Elizabeth together. We took full advantage of it, including a romantic dinner at a rooftop restaurant. And, Elizabeth and Gran got to spend some quality time together. Thanks, Mom!
Elizabeth had her appointment with the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) specialist this morning. Before we went, we suspected she had another ear infection, and we were right! That made 4 ear infections in 3 months. The doctor was especially concerned because of my history with horrible ear problems, as well as the fact that we haven't been able to clear up the ear infections in the summer, and the winter months are coming up, which is usually when ear infections get the worst. So, he scheduled her for tubes on October 13.
The doctor also said he's convinced Elizabeth is not walking yet because of all of her ear problems. He thinks her balance/hearing have been off for some time and it will dramatically improve with the tubes. So, there's a chance she'll still make the 18-month "normal" cut-off for walking once the tubes are in. That's a relief! I can't wait for her to walk, just so I can stop getting all the stupid comments from people about it. I have actually had strangers come up to me and make "helpful" suggestions - like saying I should make sure I let Elizabeth use my hands to walk on, so she'll learn, or asking if I carry her everywhere. You mean you have to let them practice walking before they can learn to walk? I wish I had thought of that! (mutter, mutter .... morons .... mutter, mutter)
And, since no good blog entry is complete without pictures, at least in the minds of this blog's readers, here's a picture of Elizabeth showing Jonathan how she can spell (or at least start to spell) the word "xylophone":

Plus, a picture of Elizabeth in her cute new Baby Legs (aka leg warmers) - which are an awesome invention to replace baby tights:

Next, a picture of Elizabeth actually pushing herself (albeit backwards) on her car:

Check out how much she's grown since her birthday (May 6). Her feet can actually touch the ground now!

And, I found this picture on the camera too. I think David taught her to read the newspaper while I was gone!

Whew! Tag, Erin, you're it! :)
Well, I hope the ear tubes do the trick and get her up and running... Then you'll be wishing for the good ol' days when you could actually keep up!
I was pretty proud of having a more current blog than yours! :)
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