Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Creation Museum - can we get a do-over?

This morning, our family went with a group from our church to the Creation Museum. If you're not familiar with this place, you probably don't live near Kentucky, because it caused quite a stir around here when it opened this year. It is a museum created by the Answers in Genesis folks, supposedly to provide scientific evidence of God's Creation, including disproving the theory of evolution.

David and I were excited about going. We've read and seen a lot of information from this group that is well-researched, well-presented and founded on solid scientific evidence. There is a lot of exciting and interesting information out there to support everything they included in the museum. However, we were very disappointed in the museum itself. We both felt that it was much less of a "museum" instead of a fancy display of animatronic dinosaurs and Adam and Eve mannequins. The main problem was that they didn't include the details of the scientific data - which is out there and readily known by them. Instead, they focused on showy pictures and displays and left out the factual information that could have proved their point. Because of the way it was presented, without any of the details and facts I was expecting, I think that if I had come to the museum as a non-believer, I would have left as one. That is a real tragedy, because I truly believe the wonder of God's creation is the strongest testimony to His power and, if presented in the proper format, it would be difficult to deny His role in creation. Not to mention the fact that the museum was horribly over-crowded and not laid out very well, which made you inclined to skip large portions of it. So, my final grade is an "A" for a great idea and true potential, but a "D-" for implementation.

But, we did have a good time looking at the cool stuff - similar to as if we had ridden through "It's a Small World" at DisneyWorld. Here are some pics from the excursion:


At 2:28 AM, November 07, 2007, Blogger Erin said...

So was Elizabeth freaked out by the huge dinosaur about to eat you guys? Glad you made it out of there safely!


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